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Alan McColl

Alan McColl, a retired accountant living in Cadillac, Michigan, emigrated to the USA in 1977. He lives with his wife, Betty, and Tasha the cat. Betty told him when they married that if he lost the accent that she loves, then it would be the “D” word, dear. So, reading and speaking Burns’s works helps the author preserve the marriage. Alan is a rabid but poor golfer who is also into model railroading to get through the long, cold Michigan winters.

Sometimes it takes a while to step out of the shadows of being a very average Scottish schoolboy, and a traditional boring accountant, to boot. Alan found a passion in the life and works of the great Scottish poet Robert Burns. Over a period of years, at the Burns Suppers of the local St. Andrews Society in Traverse City, Michigan, Alan had the opportunity to present both the Immortal Memory Speech and, in different years, to be Master of Ceremonies for the event. These speeches comprise the chapters in this book.

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