Anne Edmondson Barbour
Anne Edmondson Barbour is a true romantic, she and her late husband married two months and two days after their first date. The love lasted, and after retiring, they began to dress in period clothing and travel to venues where they presented programs depicting historic times and events, including the Oregon Trail. The Barbours became well known for their endeavors and received many accolades and requests for presentations.
To prepare for the presentations, they collected books and items concerning the trails, and even went so far as to follow the Oregon Trail from their home in Overland Park, Kansas, to Chimney Rock in the panhandle of Nebraska where they spent a few days experiencing the wagon train life much as it was in the 1840s. Anne thought their experiences would make a wonderful background for a modern romance with elements of the historicity blended in.
Now widowed, Anne has five children, ten grandchildren, four step-grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one step great-grandchild, all scattered throughout the country and overseas.